Mami its OVER!!!
My Mom is finally retired. Thank God. I am so proud of her.Two weekends ago (i'm real bad with updating my blogs) we had a lunch/party in her honor. I am so blessed to have a mother who worked so hard to give us what she never had. And I'm even more blessed that she gets to enjoy her retirement in good health. I love that woman!!! To U mami, Muahh!!
BTW, thanks to my cousing Wildo for taking the pics. :) Since i had to make a speech and my smart self brought my canon with no CF card (boo, LOL). Then i had my back up cybershot, but it had 2 min left on the battery. LMAO. Talk about luck!
lovin the new pics girls! GOD BLESS mothers and THANK GOD for the kids that are blessed with the great ones!!!
Glad you had a great time! And I have left my card ONE time! LOL, which is now why I have two. I keep one in my camerabag ALWAYS. I have a tendency to leave it in the card reader....good place for it huh? LOL
Glad to see that you are back!
I love the close-up wedding photo of the bride's ring and the photo of the woman in the red bikini.
I know what you mean about going back to work - I am in the same boat. We should be thankful for our summers.
LOVIN the new banner girl!! it is HOT!!! love that profile pic too! which we could get a new pic or somethign posted too, but i guess i'll take what i can get!!!!!
i know you got some pics over there though!
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