Ok today was a good day. I got a lot of things done. I was able to do laundry, clean up the office, finish my cousin's bridal shower invitations and do a test hairdo run forher. I am supposed to do her hair for the big day!! It didnt come out that great, but I know what i have to do to get it right. The reasons I was able to get a lot of things done are (1) I had a great morning reading my devotional and spending time with my Creator. (2)I have my girls over for the week. Mel and Astri. Rodney and I take them in for the summer and on breaks. They are fourteen and fifteen beautiful young ladies. Silly and fun girls. Rodney and I call them our lil daughters. Rodney can't wait to have kids, but I can. LOL.
my cousins bridal shower invitations. Thanks Val for helping me fix the font work in the back. :)

1 comment:
You did a great job!
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