Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Migraines, migraines, migraines....
Yep, that's what I've had all weekend and not to mention MONDAY's MIGraine!!!. LOL. It was one of the worst ones I've had, but I thank God that Rodney was with me in E.R. and that its just a migraine and nothing deeper (catscan came back fine). I also thank God for those two extra days of resting at home. I think we forget to refuel. Working on E, is not a good thing. I have to start taking care of myself by resting, eating better, and drinking lots of water. And it sucks to say, but spend less time on the PC. Ohhhhhhhh, that hurts my heart. LOL. I just need to make to have a schedule and not spend more time on one thing. I'm actually glad that I came back to work today. I kind of m.... nahhhhhhhhh!!. Thanks Lord, for letting me have a sane brain and loving family and friends who care. I want to thank everyone who called me in the last past 2 days, those that I spoke to and those that left messages. Thank YOU and God Bless.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm in much better spirits today that I was yesterday. I was sharing in my sisters pain. But I thank God that when I called her yesterday she was in good spirits. I just want to thank you Lord, that when we ask for your strength you give it to us, because without it we would not be able to function. And also continue to keep my Cmo in your save haven. As the song says, "You promised that you would put me back together better than I was before.

This past weekend has been an impacting one to me. I can honeslty say that God reveals himself to us through many avenues, we just have to be receptive to Him. My cousin Kanishia made a life changing decision this Sabbath. She decided to give her like back to God. Her baptism was so filled with emotion, love, hope, truth, and encouragement. She and Rodney also sang a selection that is an oldie, but goodie. LOL. "I Surrender All." And that is my daily prayer to God. I want to be able to surrender all and let go and let God. In these trying times, I honestly feel that the time we do have left should be firstly spent with getting closer to our Lord and Saviour and secondly spending it with our Family and Friends. I hope I can be a light to others.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Birthday Dan!!!

Today is my big brothers birthday. Brother Numpsi. LOL I love that man. I thank God for giving him another year of life and for blessing our family with such an intelligent, handsome, caring, selfless being. My Brother!!

Married Life

What can I say, but that I Love it.
It is tough sharing the same space
and not being able to run from any problems
But I'm glad God has blessed us with communication that gets better daily.
I also thank God for a husband who cares and is conscious about asperations along with family and career goals.
Married..... I wouldn't have it no other way.